good luck and all the best.
after years of theories, it's now time to practice them.
no matter where, and no matter with whom
hope all of you will do your best..
n do keep in touch with me.
today is my first day of practicum also..
it was quite a nervous moment for me..
it is the first time 4 me to become a teacher. (mcm xpcya pn ada gk)
i'm serving in SK Bdr Baru K.Selangor.
together with me are 4 more practicum trainees..
they're Norhanisah, S.Stanley, P.Ananthi and Munirah Arifin..
nothing much had been done today.. (borak je dlm bilik guru)
we just being introduced to the teachers and get some tips from the headmaster.
(Guru Besar pn baru msuk 1st day)
and what makes all of us proud n a lil'bit funny is when the students were quite shy to greet us.. (slow je bg salam)
this is because we're new to them and they're not sure that we're teachers.
tomorrow, maybe we'll be given the schedule and classes to teach..
which also makes me feel very anxious.
p/s : comey la murid2 sekolah rendah.. rendah2 je..
ahhh.. dengki nye aku.. hahah.. demmit..
wahh, dah jadi cikgu skrg, dah leh kawen dah ni,haha.
eh pasal badminton tu, aku tak tau main pun, note tu aku search2 pasal badminton, jumpa plak.hehe copy paste
Hang ajar standard barapa? Mesti cute2 budak2 skolah rendah tu, kan? Heh! Hang jangan la garang sangat ngan depa naa.
Good luck and have fun!
azrul: wait till jun n u'll be next..
an2raya: lom keje, bru praktikal.. lpas keje pk bru leh pk psal kawen..
irwan: aku lum tau lg ajar darjah bape.. muka aku ni garang ke? hehe.. tp mmg cute la.. paras2 pnggang pn ada..
smart baju itu!!!
an2raya:mmg dia dah boleh kahwin..
B jom kahwin!!! =p
cikgu.. cikgu.. ari ni x yah blaja. kite bukak forum hik3 ;p
gambatte abg aneep,jd cikgu elok2 tau. jgn ajar yg bkn2 kt bdk bwh umo hehehe.....
munirah : baju tu mesti la cantek.. tgk la sapa yg pilihkan.. hehehe.. (bab kawen tu nnt la)
dina244 : thanks.. insyaallah akn ajar yg sptutnye je..
la,abg.aneep ni teruk laaaaa,,,
kesian kak.mun tu,nak kawin dah,abg plak selamber badak je ckp nnt la...
abg.aneep ada pasang lain eh???
hafiz: mkn bleh sbrang mkn, ckp jgn sbrg ckp.. nk kawin tu mmg bleh, tp besar tgjwab tu..
1. duit ada x?
2. umah ada x?
3. keje ada x?
klau semua ni xde, cmne nk sara isteri..
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