wahh. i'm, 25 years old already.. (dah tua dah)
erm..i always keep my birthday low profile..
however, there are few of my friends that sent their wishes.
thanks friends..
not to forget, my sweetheart, Munirah.. (dia wish 2jam awal sbb xsihat)
hopefully she will get well soon.. (leh nk g celebrate birthday aku dgn dia)
and what makes me feel very touched today
is when some of my friends gave me birthday card
and recieved two presents.. one was given by ilyas,
and the other one by few of the classmates:
usin, ramesh, zul, edia, syu, and ila.
it is not an expensive price, but i really appreciate it..
thank you guys..
tmpat utk gantung sumting utk dlm keta tu..
and birthday card given by my classmates..
they also bought me a birthday cake.. but the picture is not available to be uploaded..
however, i will remember all this event 4 a very long time..
hope our friendship will last 4eva..
thanks again friends..
p/s : aku xde mood sgt nk celebrate coz rsaukan munirah yg sakit.. tp aku tetap happy..
happy birthday dear
u shud be happy
its ur day babe!!!
love ya....
Happy 25th Birthday, Hanif! Have a good one.
P/S: Wanted to wish you earlier, but wasn't able to get to it as work was getting in the way.
munirah : thanks my dear.. love u too..
irwan : thanks irwan.. it's ok 4 me.. at least u still wish..
Hiii abg anip.. Happy belated birthday. Sori 4 da late wish. Tak tau laaa.. May Allah bless U.
thanks ili.. slmt bcuti..
nak wish dah lambat sgt...sowie eh abg.aneep,i know u after ur birthday..
next year la sy wish..(tu pun kalau abg.aneep wish kat sy dulu..hikhikhik)
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