this is where most of my daily activity were spent..
it is a very peace place and cool breath air whispering n blowing ur mind away..
n the environment help to relax n clear my mind..
clear from boring and stress..
wut did i do? this is my activity yesterday..
yes.. fishing...
n this is the fishes which have been caught..
so, other than relaxing, i also enjoying the day of fishing..
p/s : topi lupa bawa, so kopiah tu pn jd la.. berkat kopiah gk kot dpt bnyk ikan..
hitam la u ....
hitam xpe.. tapi da cam makcik perambat laki suro blk potong rumpot laman rumah je.. hahahaha..
hehehe.. xde la hitam.. dlm gmbar je kurang pncahayaan.. guna hp je pn amek gmbar..
anonymous : erm..itu joran la bkn btang pnyapu.. apa2pn dgn snow cap tu la dpt bthan bwh snaran mentari.. cuaca agk panas wlaupun berangin..
Are you sure it was a snowcap/kopiah? Are you sure it wasn't your mom's "anak tudung"?
huhu.. i'm very sure.. :p
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