now this is the post stage.. (still in progress...)
this is the entrance..
this wall is along the corridor...
these two wall with brown scroll are to write
and the 'SCHOOL MOTTO'.
i'll show u the progress in next n3.. it is not done yet..
i'm quite bz now with the project n wit other projects waiting..
it will takes time to update the blog..
wahhh... da nk siap... ok la tu...
ak br ja hantar kertas keja dkt guru besar nk wat mural... nk tunggu aprroval dr dia...
pa2 pun tahniah... cantik2
haih~ kena siapkan sebelum rabu tu..
cepat2 lah kamu menampal..
boleh tolong 'kami' mengecat pula~
ucin, thanks. n all the best with ur project oso.
mualimah tak sehat(both ke ni?), nk mnampal tu skjap je, tp nk mbuat ukuran tu yg lmbat.. tgga plak 1 je.. n kwn kte yg sorang lg tu nk naik tgga pn gayat.. n yg lg sorang tu plak, asyk bbunyi je hp..tu yg ssah nk siap cpt.. hahaha..
mana vending machine?XD
hahahaha vending machine gak dari hari tu yg ko cari
ijan mmg hari2 kalo bley nk beli air tin dr 'mesin gedegang'
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